Answer :


Main steps of holozoic mode of nutrition are :

1 Ingestion

2 Digestion

3 Absorption

4 Assimilation

5 Egestion


The holozoic mode of nutrition involves the ingestion and internal processing of solid food particles. This type of nutrition is typical of most animals, including humans. The main steps are:

1. **Ingestion**: The intake of food into the body through the mouth.

2. **Digestion**: The breakdown of complex food substances into simpler, absorbable forms. Digestion can be mechanical (chewing, grinding) and chemical (enzymatic breakdown).

3. **Absorption**: The transfer of digested nutrients from the digestive tract into the bloodstream or cells. This primarily occurs in the intestines.

4. **Assimilation**: The process where absorbed nutrients are utilized by the body cells for energy, growth, repair, and maintenance.

5. **Egestion**: The removal of undigested and unabsorbed food materials from the body in the form of feces.

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