last week your friend was hurt when a basket ball hit. Discuss with your partner what safety rule should he followed in the school play ground

Answer :

when you are in play ground, you have a look on your surroundings until you leave it. you have to use a small helmet if it is necessary.
Adult supervision can help prevent injuries by making sure kids properly use playground equipment and don't engage in unsafe behavior around it. If an injury does occur, an adult can assist the child and administer any needed first aid right away.A proper playground surface is one of the most important factors in reducing injuries — and the severity of injuries — that occur when kids fall from equipment. The surface under the playground equipment should be soft enough and thick enough to soften the impact of a child's fall.

Playground equipment should be designed for three different age groups: infants and toddlers under 2, 2- to 5-year-olds (preschoolers), and 5- to 12-year-olds (school-age kids).

In the safest playgrounds, play areas for younger children are separated from those meant for older kids and signs clearly designate each area to prevent confusion.

Younger children should not play on equipment designed for older kids because the equipment sizes and proportions won't be right for small kids, and this can lead to injury. Likewise, older kids shouldn't play on equipment designed for younger ones. Smaller equipment and spaces can cause problems for bigger kids.

There should be no broken equipment.Wooden equipment should not be cracking or splintering.Metal equipment should not be rusted.The fence surrounding a public playground should be in good condition to prevent kids from running into surrounding traffic.Surface materials on the playground should be maintained regularly so that the surfacing is loosely packed and covers all appropriate areas — especially the fall zones surrounding playground equipment.Playground equipment should be made of durable materials that won't fall apart or worn down too much by the weather.

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