Answer :

                                         Home and House 

Hello friends i am Varuna and my topic is House and Home . Now the question rise what is House and Home ?

A home is a where you live with your family . In home we feel something that belongs to us . We feel very comfortable in our home whereas a house is a building or apartment or structure whose main purpose is to occupied for habitation by human beings. A house is a bigger than that of home and it may not be a home. A home is always special for you. There is nothing in the world as sweet as a home .A home is a happy home . We always love our parents and they also love us . Everyone in the home is 
cheerful, enjoyable and least burdensome. Everyone care for each other and do their best to make a home a happy and sweet home . 

At last i would say that East Or West , Home Is The Best .
"A house is a shelter consisting of walls, floors, doors, windows; roof etc. in which human being live."

"A dwelling unit is a group of rooms or a single room occupied by a family or other group of persons, living together or by a person living alone."

The basic utility of a house is, "the house of every man is to him, his castle and fortress, as well for his defense against injury and violence and for his repose".

House may be defined as the structure made up of brick and mortar. It is also described as enclosure having four walls, to provide shelter to human beings and animals from the adversities of environment and ravages of weather. It provides security from wild animals and helps to save property and valuables from thieves and robbers.

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