complete the sentense with the correct form of the verb given in brackets.

a) She..........(lay) her husband's breakfast before the ......(reach) the kitchen.

b) The lawyers......(took) theit seats before the judge .........(arrive).

c) Sahil.........(go) to school when his father .........(phone) him.

d) The school football team.....(won) the Sharjah Eleven Championship before they.....(won) the Dubai Eleven Championship.

Answer :

a)    She  had laid her husband's breakfast before he reached the kitchen.

b)  the lawyers had taken their seats before the judge arrived.

c )  Sahil was going to school  when his father phoned him.

d)  The school football team  had won the Sharjah Eleven Championship before they won the Dubai Eleven championship.

had laid, reached had taken, arrived had gone,phoned had won, won

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