Answer :

3 1/2 % of 256 is  256*3.5/100=8.56
hence 12 1/2 % of 8.56 = 8.56*12.5/100=1.12
Answer is Rs 1.12


Rs 256

To find,

12 1/2% of 3 1/2% of rupees 256


Firstly, let's find 12 1/2 % of Rs 256

[tex]12 \dfrac{1}{2}\%=\dfrac{25}{2}\%\ of\ 256\\\\=Rs\ 32[/tex]

Now find 3 1/2% Rs 32


[tex]3\dfrac{1}{2}\%=\dfrac{7}{2}\%\ of\ Rs 32\\\\=Rs\ 1.12[/tex]

Hence, 12 1/2% of 3 1/2% of Rs 256 is Rs 1.12.

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