Answer :

swachch bharat is also known as clean is actually a mission started by narendra modi who is our new prime minister.the tenure of this mission if of 5 years.its main aim is to clean india.india has become very polluted because of its is we who have to clean our nation.we do not need to do much but just keep our own surroundings neat and clean.

we just need to do a few things to contribute in this mission.we should keep our hours and our gardens clean.we should also keep our schools clean as they are considered to be our second home.we usually stay there for the whole morning so to stay healthy we need to keep our schools clean as well.we should keep our play grounds of our school clean as well by just putting the wrappers of foods items into the dust bins which are provided by the school authority.

we should always flush water whenever we use our toilets.we should trow all our garbage into the dustbins even in our houses.we should try not to burn leaves in open areas as it pollutes the area.we should also keep ourselves clean by brushing and bathing everyday as we are also a part of india.

in this way we will surely be able to contribute a lot in cleaning india which will make our nation more beautiful.

Clean India Green India In the rapid rat race for development we have forgotten that it is our duty to give back to the nature twice as much as we take. A single tree suffices so many of our needs but how many of us realize that one fine day when this resource of trees finish their self less service to us, we will be left empty handed staring into a blank future. Especially in a city like Mumbai where development is the middle name of infrastructure, it is very important for people to realize the alarming rate at which the green cover is disappearing. Team Umang strive towards raising the awareness level amongst people. We conduct various drives where our volunteers not only work to educate the people but also make them realize the value of this step by indulging in tree plantation campaigns. Just a little while ago Umang Foundation took up this challenge and though in a small way did initiate the process. Team Umang went to Matoshri Ramabai Ambedkar School, Ulhasnagar and involved the students there in a massive tree plantation campaign where we planted about fifty saplings. The idea of involving the students was to ensure that they develop a personal connect and hence look after the trees on their campus, this would also allow the children who are the future to realize the importance of trees. Progress is very much needed for the evolution of mankind but what we need to look into is the pace of this progress. Being fast is indeed a necessity to keep yourself abreast with changing times but fighting a major issue like Global Warming by taking small steps like planting trees and raising awareness is also equally important. Team Umang urge you to realize the importance of the tree plantation and support the cause by taking small initiatives like these so that you could give your children a better future. Come forward, Let’s plant trees together…!!!

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