Answer :

he river Cauvery has been shared by the states under 2 agreements – The Interstate agreements of 1872 and 1924.All was well, till the late 1960s when Karnataka wanted to build 4 new reservoirs in the tributaries of Cauvery.The Planning commission did not approve to give funds and neither did the Central government.But Karnataka state went ahead with the building of the reservoirs with its own funds. These reservoirs were

This diverted some of the water of Cauvery due to which Tamil Nadu protested.It directed the Centre to create a Tribunal.But since the Centre did not create one, Tamilnadu moved the SC to order the centre. The tribunal was finally formed in 1990.
this case went to supreme court and judgement was such that tamil nadu would get 419 billion cubic feet of water, Karnataka would get 270 billion cubic feet of water and Kerala and Pondicherry 30 and 7 billion cubic feet of water. hope this helps you pls mark as brainliest...

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