
if the area of a rectangle inscribed in a circle is maximum, then show that the rectangle becomes a square   

Answer :

Solution :
we know the area of a rectangle when the diagonal is given

A = l ( [tex] \sqrt{ d^{2} - l^{2} }[/tex] )
the maximum diagonal that can be inscribed on a circle is the Diameter (2r)
A = l ( [tex] \sqrt{ 4r^{2} - l^{2} }[/tex] )

now l can be computed using the circles 1 quad ( draw a circle  with diameters at right angle , join the diameters ends with the adjacent diameter ends . Now take any one of the four quads in the drawn circle .)
where it is a right angled triangle with sides l and height and base r

by applying pythagroas  theorem

l = [tex] \sqrt{ { r^{2} + r^{2} }[/tex]
  = [tex] \sqrt{ 2r^{2} [/tex]

so maximum area = [tex] \sqrt{ 2r^{2} [/tex] X ( [tex] \sqrt{ 4r^{2}-2 r^{2}} [/tex] )
                           =[tex] \sqrt{ 2r^{2}}^{2} [/tex]
                           =[tex] 2r^{2} [/tex]

which is a square with side  a = [tex] \sqrt{ 2r^{2} [/tex]

hence the maximum area inscribed on a circle is square

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