
Last week your friend was hunt when a basketball hit him.Discuss with your partner what safely rules should be followed in the school playground.How can these be implemented?

Answer :

1) a first aid box should always be there 2) if u r mentally and physically fit , then only u should play the game 3) if u know the rules , then only u should play the games 4) while playing , there should a coach who will guide the players 5) u should play a fair and a proper game 6) the players can also wear safeguards to prevent these accidents 7) the air inside the ball should be regularly checked , much air can cause injuried
i think we all get hurt while playing.we usually get hurt in our knees  or face while playing basket ball.

i am telling this by my own experience.i have fallen many , i know that what are the safety measures that should be taken.i will talk about the main measures only. 

first of all , we should not push anyone in the ground.even if the player is of opponent team , we should play a fair game.

we should wear knee caps and also elbow caps if possible .it will protect our knees and elbows from getting injury.

we should play as taught by our teachers and not take any unknown moves as they can cause harm to us.

we should have safety box ready so that if anyone gets hurt , he or she can get immediate help.