Answer :

since last year everyday people are getting more aware about cleanliness & hygiene. More & more population joining this mass movement again dart & dust under the leadership of honourable PM Mr. Naradra Modi . Today this mission reaches at span of 2 year & we are really seeing the change in our society & street. Areas are cleaner than ever before. We are taking cleanliness too seriously that was need of time. Whenever people in majority come forward nothing remain enchased. Now a days Railway stations, bus stands & all public spots looks so neat & tidy.  They are well managed & maintained ever before. People realized that nation is also belonging to them. Same like clean house is rule, a tidy nation also helpful for overall progress & development.  simple as we know that when a guest  came our home he or she also look our home same way of some one visit our country for  meeting  or business   it’s our responsibility that make it look appropriate .Everyone is giving his or her best towards Clean India movement . Especially young generation & school kids are too excited & motivated for this noble cause. 


Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a campaign launched by the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi as a nationwide cleanliness campaign. It is implemented to fulfill the vision and mission of clean India one day. It was launched especially on the birth anniversary of the Mahatma Gandhi as he always dreamed and was very keen to make this country a clean country. He had tried for clean India during his time by motivating people through his campaigns and slogans however it was only partially successful because of the limited involvement of the people of India.

But after so many years, Swachh Bharat Mission was again started by the Government of India to make the dream of clean India come true till 150th birth anniversary of the Mahatma Gandhi. It was started in 2014 on 2nd of October on the 145th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. It is a big challenge for all the citizens of India. It is only possible if each and every person living in India would understand this campaign, their own responsibility and try to join hands together to make it a successful mission.

The mission is promoted by the many famous Indian personalities to spread this mission as an awareness programme throughout the country. In order to ensure cleanliness, UP CM, Yogi Adityanath, has banned chewing of paan, gutka and other tobacco products in the government offices across the state, since March 2017.

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