Answer :

Swachh Bharathcleanliness is next to  godliness:cleanliness means maintaining neatness both physically and mentally.we can estimate and analyses a person by his way of dressing.If one dressed carelessly all the people will assess hi character .a good heart is moulded from a good character.cleanliness of mind will promote spiritual perfection and happiness swachh bharat is a campaign recently announced by our PM.NARENDRA MODI.This is a campaign to bring out/produce a clean India.This campaign is for the clean environment and for a clean India tomorrow.This campaign will end/finish at 2019.t is a cleanliness program  signed by our P.M.he took broom and he startedSLOGAN : swachh bharath is not modi's task it is people's task.The Clean Water,environment and surroundings,home.Act has made advances to our society that have helped our Environment to flourish with life.Take out the rubbish, and the students themselves take responsibility for keeping their school green. "cleanliness is next to godliness"clean AND green maintain our environment clean and green Keep plants around the house.It was organized by India's 15th Prime Minister Narendra Modi Clean india is duty of every citizen Cleanliness India is a beautiful indiaLets be cleaned lets be civilizedClean India we get green India


   Unfortunately, in India many people in India are ignorant about health, cleanliness, hygiene, and sanitation.  That could be due to their illiteracy or ignorance or negligence.  Such an environment and practice has landed Indians in to trouble and defamed us among the neighbors.  The nation seems to spend a lot of money on various health related schemes.  But the improvement is not good enough.


Continuing ...:

  Clean house and surroundings will improve one person's health as well as the family's health.  The entire community will be benefited.  Children fall sick quickly if there are unhygienic conditions and garbage lying every where. 


   Thus if we are maintaining clean surroundings we save money on the medical treatment, doctor fees, and medicines. Also, we save our time.  We do not get absent from schools or offices.  Also, laborers will not lose their daily earnings.


    Thus the national economy is affected in a positive way if all of us are healthy. We maintain good cleanly surroundings to eradicate many diseases that are occurring to people in large numbers.  Then the spending of government like Crores of Rupees will be saved and it can be used in development of India. 


    When India will become clean and will look beautiful, like in movies, we will like going to everywhere and walking on roads.  ALso, the foreigners will like to visit India more.  Do you know that for the last many years foreigners do not like to come to India because India is dirty.  They are afraid of contracting diseases.



   New projects are initiated and people will get work and more developments will follow.  A lot  of construction work is taken up.  The knowledge of people also develops.   But we have to spend a lot of money and effort to do all this.  In spite of it, Clean India will help India progress and develop.

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