Answer :

Bismarck was the Chancellor of Prussia, which was just one of the German states that together formed the German confederation. Austria, a very powerful neighbour, was opposed to German unification. It was the clever moves of Bismarck that made the other German states realise that Prussia alone can become the natural leader of a future German state and not Austria. He made Germany militarily strong and in a war defeated Austria and forced her to leave the German Confederation. First he created a North German Confederation under Prussian leadership and proved that a unified German state was possible. In further wars, he defeated the Southern states, which in alliance with France, stood against any further unification of the region. This led to the total unification of Germany under Prussia, of which Bismarck was the Chancellor. leadership. It was the strong leadership of Bismarck that led to the materialisation of the long cherished dream of German unity. Bismarck became the first Chancellor of the new German Empire.
Bismarck was the Chancellor of Prussia, which was just one of the German states that together formed the German confederation. Austria, a very powerful neighbour, was opposed to German unification. It was the clever moves of Bismarck that made the other German states realise that Prussia alone can become the natural leader of a future German state and not Austria. He made Germany militarily strong and in a war defeated Austria and forced her to leave the German Confederation. First he created a North German Confederation under Prussian leadership and proved that a unified German state was possible. In further wars, he defeated the Southern states, which in alliance with France, stood against any further unification of the region. This led to the total unification of Germany under Prussia, of which Bismarck was the Chancellor. leadership. It was the strong leadership of Bismarck that led to the materialisation of the long cherished dream of German unity. Bismarck became the first Chancellor of the new German Empire.

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