Answer :

Genotypic ratio is the ratio of genetically different offsprings and Phenotypic ratio is the ratio of phenotypically different organisms.
Take the example of 2nd generation of Mendel's Pea plant experiment. The second generation offsprings were: Tall(TT), Tall(Tt), Tall(Tt), Dwarf(tt).

The genotype are: TT, Tt, Tt and tt.
Genotypic ratio = TT:Tt:tt = 1:2:1

The phenotypes are: Tall and Dwarf
Phenotypic ratio = Tall : Dwarf = 3:1

Genotype ratio:

It is the ratio of the offsprings produced in the F2 and subsequent generation with respect to their genetic make up.

Phenotype ratio:

It is the ratio of the offsprings produced in F2 and subsequent generation with respect to their physical appearance.

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