A Water tank is 528cm long and 42cm wide. it containswater to a depth of
18cm. four identical spheres are placed in the tank and are fully
submerged .if the ater level rises by 7 cm, calculate radious of

Answer :

The tank is in the form of cylinder
its radius is 24 cm and it height till 
volume of water intially
[tex]V= \pi r^2h=1357.168 cm^3[/tex]
now four sphere of radius r' are added
so the final height is 18+7=25cm
Volume of water Finally
[tex]V'= \pi r^2h= \pi (24)^2(25)=1884.96 cm^3[/tex]
So the difference between the final and intial values will give the volume of spheres
[tex]4V_{sphere}=V'-V=527.79 cm^3[/tex]
[tex]V_{sphere}=131.95 cm^3[/tex]
[tex] \frac{4}{3} \pi r^3_{sphere}=131.95 [/tex]
[tex]r_{sphere}=5.612486 cm[/tex]

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