Answer :

it means that the bad thinkers or the people with bad mentality  of our society do some bad thing harmful for society in order to harm others but at last due to their bad deeds they themselves got bad effect on themselves or any loss in their life due to only and only their own bad deeds..
Thank u and have a nice and blasting day!!!!


It's true that those who are evil doers frequently fall into the same hole. Let's understand it through a story on Three gormandizers and a Wolf. In the story, there are three gormandizers who are sisters and who decide to make their house. The first gormandizer made his house with straws and meadows, it was made veritably beforehand within many days. The alternate family made houses of slush and monuments, it took one week. The third family made the house of bricks and cement it took a month.


One day a big bad wolf came to know about the gormandizers and came to their house to eat them. He went to the first gormandizer house and blew it with air from his mouth. The first gormandizer ran to the alternate gormandizer's house, the wolf followed him and after two-three attempts indeed blew that alternate gormandizer's house. Both of the gormandizers ran to the third gormandizer's house which was made of slipup and cement. They tried to blow it down but was not suitable to. He wasted all his energy in blowing the house down and ultimately out of frazzle and prostration has to leave the house alone. He grew empty and weak. therefore, those who do badly for others also received bad consequences


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