
two vertical poles p1 and p2 stand 30m apart onthe ground. M is a point on pole p2 such that the two ends of pole p1 subtend a right angle at the point M and the angle of elevation of the top of pole p1 from the point M is 60 degree. what is the height of the pole p1 in metres?

Answer :


two poles P1 and P2 stands 30 meters apart of a point on the ground M is a point of poultry to such that the two ends of pole p1 subtends a right angle at the point M and the angle of elevation of the top of pole p1 from point M is 60° the height of pole p1 in meters is



Step-by-step explanation:

As per the image

tan 60° = 30/x

1/√3 = 30/x

x = 30√3


another tan 60° at another angle

we get another 30√3

add them both and you will get 60√3

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