When the normal heart of a frog is injected with physiological concentration of adrenaline it shows first increased then decreased heart rate why so??

Answer :

Because adrenaline mobolizes the body to face the incoming danger by fighting with it or running away from it. So the heart beat increases and then decreases.

Treatment of heart rate in frog


  • Tachycardia refers to a high resting pulse rate.
  • In general, a resting adult heart beats between sixty and one hundred times per minute. once a private has cardiac arrhythmia, the higher or lower chambers of the center beat considerably quicker.
  • When the center beats too apace, it pumps less expeditiously and blood flow to the remainder of the body, as well as the center itself, is reduced.Because the center is thrashing faster, the muscles of the center, or heart muscle, want a lot of element. If this persists, oxygen-starved heart muscle cells will die, resulting in a heart failure

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