a. Define the following
1. Micropropagation
2. Hybridization
3. Biotechnology
4. DNA recombination
b. Give the function of the following
1. Parenchyma
2. Sclerenchyma
3. Xylem
4. Phloem

Answer :

Micropropagation --- 
It is a techinque which is used to increase the no. of progeny plants by "tissue Culturing method" .

Hybridization ---
It is a method in which different varities of organism are combined to make a new Hybrid.

Biotechnology ---
Biotechnology is the use of living systems and organisms to develop or make useful products..

DNA recombination ---

It is process in which DNA are Combined together.

Functions -------------------- >>>>>>>>>
1.serves as food storage tissue of plants, mainly for starch or fats

2.Helps to give support to plants.

3.Helps to transport water and Minerals

4. Helps in transportation of Sap

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