Answer :

Hammering or heating a magnet in a hot flame will cause it to loose its magnetic properties. In both scenarios the molecules lose their north-south alignment and get arranged in random directions.All magnets have a north and south pole, including all of our custom promotional magnets. Opposite poles attract while the same poles repel each other.Many scientists believe the Earth's magnetic field helps to guide migrating birds.Over 80% off all households in the US have promotional magnets on their refrigerator.The worlds largest magnet is planet Earth. Earths hot liquid core contains iron which, as it moves, creates an electric current that generates a magnetic field around the planet.Neodymium magnets (a type of very strong rare-earth magnets) are known to repel sharks. While we don't currently sell neodymium magnets we do have a large collection of super strong magnets.Today's high speed trains use magnets to float each car, reducing friction and allowing the train to run very efficiently.Magnets can be found in many common household items such as telephones, computers, stereos, refrigerators, TVs, and VCRs.A coil of wire with an electric current flowing through it becomes magnetized.The pull of a magnet is strongest at the north and south pole.Rare-earth magnets are the strongest type of permanent magnets made.Legend has it that magnets were first discovered around 4,000 years ago when a shepherd named Magnes got the nails in the sole of his shoe stuck to a magnetic rock, later called magnetite.Magnets are usually made of steel or iron. Special alloys of iron, nickel, copper, cobalt, and aluminum can also be made into magnets.Earth, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, and Uranus are the only planets in our solar system with magnetic fields.
Magnets  have  the  following  properties:

They  attract  objects  of  cobalt,nickel  and iron.
The  force  of  attraction  is  greater  at  its  poles   than  in  the  middle.
They  are  used  in  seperating  cobalt,nickel  and  iron  wastes.
Opposite  poles  of  a magnet   attract  each  other.
Substances  which  behave  like  magnets  in  the  presence  of  a  magnetic  field  are  called   Ferromagnetic  Substances.
Nowadays  magnetic  therapy  is  used  in  treatment.
Every  computer  contains  magnets  for  data  storage  purposes.
MRIs  use  powerful  magnetic  fields   to  charge  the  protons  in  the  body.
 Credit  cards  and  debit  cards  use  magnetic  strips.
The  priniciple  of  magnetism  is  used  in  compass.
Magnets  are  used  in  numerous  electronic  devices.
They  are  used  a  lot  in  industrial  purposes.

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