Answer :

                                              Clean India

Clean India campaign was organized by India's 15th Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He said that it was a gift for Mahatma Gandhi on his birthday which is on 2nd October. On this occasion Narendra Modi himself cleans many surroundings and also forced people to clean and make their country green and clean. For this he selected his 'Navratna'(Sachin Tendulkar, Amir Khan etc)

At last I would say cleanliness is a path towards godliness.
So come on and make our country clean and green.
Cleanliness is next to godliness
It is very true that cleanliness is next to godliness. Here the question rises why is cleanliness is next to godliness and what is this cleanliness. Cleanliness  refers to remain clean both physically ( body ) and mentally( brain and heart). Cleanliness means removal of dirt from the body and heart and brain. When dirt is removed from the body it’s mean removal of disease from the body. Cleanliness also tells about our personality and our characters . If we wear clean cloths we get respect from the society. And if we don’t wear clean cloth we are not able to get respect from society. In every religions like Hinduism and Islam before worship cleaning is done . Also god loves those who keep themselves clean and  pure . 

For example= AT diwali before worship people used to clean their houses. They used to paint their houses. This gives that the god only comes there where cleaning in done . There is a clean environment. 

Hence cleanliness is next to godliness.So to the way of godliness cleanliness also plays a crucial role. Let's take a pledge to make India a heaven by cleanliness.                                                                    

Introduction :-
Mystery refers to the incompletion of anything on a topic . It means suspense . 

Main body :-
Mystery is also very important in one's life . People have to face many mystery in their life . It makes thrills and spicy atmosphere as there is no solution exists . Mystery is divided into 
"traditional mystery", 
"legal thriller", 
"medical thriller", 
"cozy mystery", 
"police procedural", 

Sometimes it also causes some trouble . As it is so excited people even could face heart-attacks due to the stress on the NERVOUS system. 

Example :-
We don't know much about the black hole. A black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light can not get out. We can't get any reason for it .

Conclusions :-
Peoples are very fond of thrills and spice so they like mystery stories / films/fiction very much .
                                       Science the future
Hello friends my name is Shivam  and i am going to talk on the topic "Science the future". Now i will starting from that what is interesting in science and how these interesting thing make our nation brighter and healthier.

Science is interesting because it is very joyful to learn our world around us. We can know about the our universe , our body , plants feature , kinds of organisms and much more . It includes biology , chemistry and physics . Science is very easy that anyone can learn and understand it and can use it for research . Everyone can be benefited by this .

Through the biology we can able to know about our surrounding . Biology also tell us about us . Our human system , the structure of plants and animals  . We study different organs in our body . We can know about our each body organs system and functions such as heart transfer as blood .

Now the subject is Chemistry . We use chemical in every our work . We use salt   ( Nacl) in our food , we use detergent to wash our clothes , we use fertilizers and pesticides for the good crops etc . Most importantly all the medicines are made up of chemical process . Hence it also give life to organisms . 

And the last is physics . Physics is the most important subject in the science . We can calculate speed of anything , we can calculate heat of anything etc . Through physics we can know  evolution of the universe and atoms.

Also with the help of these subject we can even make machines , robots . We also can find the way how to reduce pollution ( air pollution , water pollution , soil pollution , and noise pollution ) . We can able to remove corruption before it roots us and much more .

Hence Science is very important and useful for the development of our future.

And if our future will be developed then our nation will also become healthy and happy and pollution free .

Hai friends. Good evening/morning to one and all gathered here. Today,  I want to share my views on sports.
                    They give physical exercise to our body. they give mind relaxation such that our stress will be gone. We get the more concentration power. Through this games we can know our stamina and strength. We can met new friends through games.Helps for good blood circulation. Through the exercise , we will be a healthy person. It is not easy to gain sportsmanship. It needs a lot of practice with dedication and determination.
                      Hence sports have a great importance in our life. They shows a good path to our healthiness. They are  the boons that entered into our lives. To get a good health, everyone have to play sports atleast per an hour in a day. The government also have to bring awareness on the people by saying the importance of sports. Hence play games, step towards a healthy life 
                      Thank you all for giving this golden opportunity to me

Science and future: Now, Technology has become a very important part of our lives nowadays. During the past few years, technology has evolved in many ways and is probably without a doubt better than ever before. People are always trying to find something new that will improve our lives dramatically. Some of the creations that have really changed our lives are the computer, telephone, internet and electronic mail, television, cell phone and voice mail.Today, There is no work which cannot be done without the assistance of machines and there is not a single area of human activity where machines don’t have to be used. No one can deny the fact that gadgets have not only simplified our lives but also made them more comfortable and luxurious. but i think in future, we will be in mars. i think every person can get a rocket at cheap rates to have a visit on earth like a tour. 

Smoking; smoking is the greatest health hazard. today most of the people are suffering from the different types of cancers such as lung cancer, throat cancer etc because of this smoking. most of the people are addicting to it. today smoking became the address to death. half of the graveyards are being filled by the people who are died by this smoking. though the back of the cigarette packets contains an advice 'smoking is injurious to our health'  by reading it also most of the people are smoking by taking that address tomfoolery. today smoking became a fashion to the youth. they are thinking that the people who are smoking appears like a smart guy and becomes a hero. because of those smokers others also getting diseases by respiring that smoke. today smoking is prohibited in many areas but no one deny of it. smoking remains tears to so many families. so please stop smoking.

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