Answer :

he was small man with wide smile , he looked straight with a fixed gaze  . he worked for cambria steel works , he believed that his company's plate glass was more important commodity in a world  . he was hypocrite and prosperous because that he condemned novels that build romance of two lovers from different classes i.e he stated that in reality men marry women in one class but himself marries and daughter of belted earl . he was prosperous because his salary has been raised twice since he was the author last he had got a commission , too bought a neat slice of real estate in  the east end , he built a house on it . he was good conversationist .
He was a sales man.for plate glass company.
Not good looking.
His salary was raised twice the previous year and so he was successful.
He found the best sellers as unrealistic but in real life he himself followed the same, so was a hypocrite.

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