a car weighing100kg and travelling at 30m/s stops at a distance of 50m accelerating uniformaly . what is the force exerted on its brakes ? what is the work done by the brakes ?

Answer :

m = 100 kg 
 v = 0 
 u = 30 m/s
 s = 50 m 
F = ?
W = ?
work done = [tex] \frac{1}{2} mv^2 - \frac{1}{2} mu^2[/tex]
               = [tex] \frac{1}{2} *100 * (0)^2 - \frac{1}{2} * 100 * (30)^2[/tex]
              = [tex]50 * 0 -  * 50 * 900 [/tex]
   W          = - 45000 J

[tex]W = F * S[/tex]
     [tex] \frac{W}{S} = F[/tex]
     [tex] \frac{-45000}{50} = F[/tex]
 therefore, F = - 900N 
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