
The admission fee for an exhibition is Rs9 for adults and Rs 4 for children below 12years of age. Raghav with his father, mother and younger sisters of age 10and 6 and his twin brother of 14 years went for the exhibition. How much did they pay as admission charge?

Answer :

Here are the steps:
Number of adults=4(Mother,Father,Raghav and his twin brother)

Number of children under 12 years of age=2(his two sisters)


total charge=(9*4)+(4*2)



Hope it helped!

Since father and mother are adults'
fee for father and mother = 2×9 = Rs. 18

raghav and his brother are both 14 years old. They are more than 12. So
fee for raghav and his brother = 2×9 = Rs. 18

Both his sisters are less than 12,
fee for his sisters = 2×4 = Rs. 8

Total charge = 18+18+8 = Rs.44

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