
On checking a trunk containing urns, it was found that there are 600 urns and 75 of them are defective. Find the probability of selecting an urn at random which is Non. – defective.
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Answer :

Out of 600 urns, 75 are defective.
Non-defective: 600-75=525
So the probablity of selecting a non-defective urn: P(n)=525/600=7/8
Total number of urns urns = 600 urns
Total number of defective urns = 75 urns
Total number of non-defective urns = 600 urns-75 urns
                                                  =525 urns
Proability of getting non-defective urns = 525/600
                                                         =7/8 or 0.875

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