Answer :

Of all the major games — cricket, football hockey and tennis, I give priority to hockey. It is a manly game and the most interesting. It makes me strong and healthy. Hockey is ray favourite game and there is hardly a good match which I miss. I am not only fond of it but also a good player of hockey. I have been the skipper of my school eleven. Last Sunday I went to see an interesting match.It was played between two local teams during the Inter-School Hockey Tournament. It was a final match. Both the teams entered the playground at 5.30 P.M. The players were in their respective uniforms—the white and the blue.The game began immediately after the toss. It was brisk from the very beginning. The team with the blue uniform got the start. It began to press the other team. One of then centre-forwards carried the ball forward and then passed it on to the fellow on the right. This fellow who was already in the 'D' hit the ball hard. The ball, however, flew over the goalpost. The team, therefore, narrowly missed scoring a goal.The game now became very exciting. The ball was caught by the other team. Their centre-forward carried the ball forward and was soon in the 'D'. Before he could hit the ball, it was wrested form him by the full-back.
my favorite game is cricket we enjoy playing cricket cricket is an england game its played by 11 members  it is played all over the world cricket is shown live on tv computer &phones etc with technology development