Answer :

1. Abnormal vaginal bleeding
2. Unexplained weigh
3. Vaginal discharge colored with blood
4. Constant fatigue
5.  An unusual lump or swelling anywhere on your body
6. Loss of appetite or feeling full all the time
7. Pain in the pelvis or abdominal area
8. A bloated belly
9. Constantly needing bathroom breaks
10. Persistent indigestion or nausea
11. Unusual breast changes
12. A change in size, shape or colour of a mole
10 gynecologic cancer symptoms that every woman should be on the lookout for are-
1. Abnormal vaginal bleeding. 
2. Loss of appetite or feeling full all the time 
3. Pain in the pelvis or abdominal area. 
4. A bloated belly
5. Unexplained weight loss. 
6. Vaginal discharge colored with blood
7. Constant fatigue.
8. Swollen leg
9. Constantly needing bathroom breaks. 
10. Persistent indigestion or nausea. 

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