Answer :

We need a Parliament because:

We need a body that will represent the common people of the country in order to maintain democracy.

To ensure the people get their fundamental rights.

To solve the problems and fulfill legitimate demands of the people.

Hope i helped u:) 

It is required for making law, formulation of financial policies and for various judicial functions

  • A parliament is a democratically elected government. People elect their MPs to the parliament by a vote.
  • After being elected, the parliament is made up of all of the elected officials who subsequently advise the government.
  • It is required as -
  1. As an absolute legislative authority, it's principal purpose is to create fair and robust legislation relating to all major union matters.
  2. It must enact the budget and determine how the public sector will generate revenue.
  3. It has the authority to modify the constitution. A constitutional amendment or law must be approved by both houses to succeed.

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