Answer :

the pattern is something like this that the we are adding the numbers that are serially being multiplied by the multiples of 4 :-

1(4) + 1(4) = 8  <1is being multiplied by 4 than is added with another 1 that is multiplied by 4>

2(8) + 2(8) = 32

3(12) + 3(12) = 72
4(16) + 4(16) = 128 <similarly as in the case of 1+1, here, 4 is first multiplied by 16            and then in added with 4 that is also multiplied by 16>

i try to explain it
2×2=4 ,   8 ×4= 32
3(12) × 3(12) =72
4(16) × 4(16) =128

...hope it would helpful to u

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