Answer :

It helps feebleminded children to learn so well such that they out stripped normal children in public examinations. Newcomb et al, (1994), claimed that a person remembers 90 o\o of what they say as they perform an activity. The method is based on the use of activity purposefully during teaching-learning periods. In such periods, the teacher engages the students to perform an activity that will clarify the subject matter that is being introduced to them. This helps the student to learn and be independent to work harmoniously with other students in the class. It offers opportunities to express himself and gain experience, simultaneously. This method can be used in the teaching of many concepts in mathematics.

kids studying in teach and train method do not absorb much of the lessons. this is because in this method kids get bored and do not pay attention.but in the case of play way method kids enjoy learning ,that is,they play while they learn.

when a kid is attracted towards the tutor his concentration turned towards the tutor which means he listens and tries to understand what is being taught.

and another advantage of play way method is that this method reduces the stress levels of the kids and releases them from peer pressure of learning.

kids in one way learn and also play in this method which means ,their interest in studies will also increase.they will want to learn more.

so with this it is clearly observed that play way method is one of the best ways of teaching and learning.

hope this will help you :-)

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