Find the value of k if the graph of the equation 3x+ky=5 passes through the point (-1,2) . For what value of k will the graph pass through (1,0) ?

Answer :


Plugin the given point [tex](-1, 2)[/tex] and solve [tex]k[/tex]

Second part is bit tricky :
Plugging in the point [tex](1,0)[/tex] gives
which is impossible. so there is no [tex]k[/tex] such that the line [tex]3x+ky=5[/tex] passes through [tex](1,0)[/tex]
3x+ky = 5
when we substitute (x,y) = (-1,2) in 3x+ky = 5
3(-1)+k(2) = 5

when we substitute (x,y) = (1,0) in 3x+ky = 5
3(1)+k(0) = 5
3 = 5
therefore it is not possible to the line 3x+ky = 5 to pass into the point (1,0)

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