Divide 282 into two parts such that the eight part of the first and the fifth part of the second are in the ratio 4:3.

Answer :

If first part is considered as x,
then second part is 282-x
 eighth part of first =x/8
fifth part of second = (282-x)/5
given condition
x/8:(282-x)/5 = 4:3 x/8:(282-x)/5= 4/3 5x/8(282-x)= 4/3 15x = 32(282-x)
 15x = 9024 - 32x 15x + 32x = 9024 47x = 9024 x = 9024/47 = 192
first part = 192
second part = 282 - x = 282 - 192 = 90

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