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Its my suggestion.

You write down the things you do every day..


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Essay on “Daily Routine of My Life” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Daily Routine of My Life

I am a student. Hence my daily life follows a very simple routine. It is more or less the same except on Sunday. I once heard from my teacher that early rising is the father of three blessings- healthy, wealth and wisdom. Since then I have been rising early in the morning. I get up at 4 o’clock.

After doing my morning duties. I take bath in cold water. I put on my clean clothes and go to the temple. It is my mother’s wish that I should begin the day’s work with a prayer to God.

Then I take my breakfast. It consists of a few biscuits and a glass of milk. Then I sit at my books. I read them till 8 a.m. During three hours I practically finish all the reading of my lessons. Then I complete home task of different subjects. I do not believe in eleventh hour preparations. I know that labour will lead to success. At 9 I take my meal. I dress myself. I brush my shoes. At 9.30 I start for my school with my friend, Sohan on cycles.

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