Answer :

Great Questions! Many people would not know but liquids, including the humble water actually boils not due to the fact that we heat it but actually because when you heat water or any other liquid, it's pressure vis-a-vis atmospheric pressure changes.
In order to raise the boiling point of a liquid without adding anything in it, we can increase the pressure around the liquid, this can delay the boiling of the liquid and elevate the boiling point. 
This is why in hill stations, it takes longer to cook or boil water, because the atmospheric pressure there is higher

By increasing the pressure, the liquid's boiling point can be increased without adding any soluble impurities. The liquid's pressure can be increased which subsequently increases its boiling point of the liquid.

This will make it harder for gas molecules to overcome the externally pushing pressure, thus increasing the liquid's boiling point.

For example, pressure cooker uses the pressure to increase the liquid's boiling point to cook the meal faster. Therefore, increasing the pressure of liquid it will subsequently raise their boiling point.

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