How far do you agree that ‘Two States’ represent the changing attitude of today’s Youth?
Give your views in context of their education career, romance, love, marriage & culture

Answer :

yes, it is true 
not only the film of two states there are many other films which are changing the attitude of the youth's .the censor board must take action on this type of films because the board is only banning those films which are on god and other types of films. today crime of murder ,rape cases are increasing due to this type of movies.
these movies also makes student to remove from the path of,we are watching that from class 6 boys starts to make girlfriends and from then only their mind starts diverting it is the reason only  that many student socite due to love or failure in results. now their is a trend of inter caste marriage it is not accepted by parents. love marriage is also no accepted by parents because they want that their children will marry according to their wish and their children wants to marry according to their wish when their is a conflict between them then family starts dividing this is a very bad thing for the society .yes,i agree that films represent changing attitude of today's youth

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