Answer :

The Story of my life is an autobiographical account of helen keller's life. The greatest theme of this is perseverance.Without the ability to see or hear, keller learned to live like normal human beings is something which we are amazed by.  Even as a child, she found ways to help her mother around the house, rather than stay in a world that was dark, silent, and lonely. And the terrible fits are also because of her extreme frustation of not being able to communicate. Once she overcame her obstacles and learned to communicate, she was driven to accomplish her high goals. Not only  she garnered many achievements, but she also gave credit for her accomplishments to her supporters.

The theme of The Story of My Life by Helen Keller is the power of perseverance to overcome great obstacles. Keller is struck with an illness when she is a very young child that makes her blind and deaf, and she exists in a world of confusion.

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