Answer :

prevention is better then cure because there are many diseases which has no cure  there are some chronic dieases  which has no complete cure.
 eg:heart failure ,heart stroke etc
[tex]\textsf{\textbf{Prevention Is Better Than Cure}}[/tex]

It is an established as well as well accepted that that prevention is better than cure. If fast action is taken as remedy for anything that has gone wrong, everything would be saved. It means we should prevent undesirable things from taking place rather than act when it has happened.

We should take timely action against any harmful thing. We should not be careless.
“We should not sleep over our ills.”
“We should nip the evil in the bud.”
We must think of the pros and cons of an action before giving it final shape. This would not only help us in checking and correcting the our faults but also manage everything in a better way.

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