Answer :

The smallest 3-digit multiple of 7 is 105 = 15*7

The largest 3-digit multiple of 7 is 994 = 142*7So there are 142-14 = 128 

3-digit multiples of 7, ie 128 3-digit numbers that are divisible by 7.
15 is the starting digit gives 3 digit number when we multiply by 7, 7*15 = 105

142 is the ending digit gives 3 digit number when we multiply by 7, 7*142 = 994

Therefore, the total number of digits that gives 3 digit number when we multiply by 7 is 142-15 = 127 and we have to add 1 to 127 because 15 is excluded when we subtract.

so, the answer is 128.

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