The sum 3/4 th of a salary and 5/3rd of b salary is ₹16000 the difference of their salaries is ₹2000 if b salary is less than that of a then what is salary of b in₹

mathdude500 if you had power solve this question ​

Answer :


Salary of B is 6000

Step-by-step explanation:

Let assume that salary of A be ₹ x and salary of B be ₹ y

Now, According to statement, it is given that salary of B less than that of A and difference between their salaries is ₹ 2000.

[tex]\implies\sf\:x - y = 2000\implies\sf\:x = y + 2000 - - - (1) \\ [/tex]

Further given that, The sum 3/4 th of A salary and 5/3rd of B salary is ₹ 16000.

[tex]\sf\: \dfrac{3x}{4} + \dfrac{5y}{3} = 16000 \\ [/tex]

On substituting the value of x from equation (1), we get

[tex]\sf\: \dfrac{3(2000 + y)}{4} + \dfrac{5y}{3} = 16000 \\ [/tex]

[tex]\sf\: \dfrac{6000 + 3y}{4} + \dfrac{5y}{3} = 16000 \\ [/tex]

[tex]\sf\: \dfrac{18000 + 9y + 20y}{12} = 16000 \\ [/tex]

[tex]\sf\: \dfrac{18000 + 29y }{12} = 16000 \\ [/tex]

[tex]\sf\: 18000 + 29y = 192000 \\ [/tex]

[tex]\sf\: 29y = 192000 - 18000\\ [/tex]

[tex]\sf\: 29y = 174000 \\ [/tex]

[tex]\implies\sf\:y = 6000 \\ [/tex]

Hence, Salary of B is 6000

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