Answer :


"Srotas" is a term from Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine, while "system of contemporary science" refers to the modern scientific understanding of biological systems. Here are some similarities and differences between the two:


1. Functionality: Both srotas and contemporary biological systems are concerned with the functioning of the body or organisms.

2. Interconnectedness: Both systems recognize the interconnectedness of different parts within the body or organism.

3. Regulation: Both systems involve regulatory mechanisms to maintain balance and homeostasis within the body or organism.


1. Conceptual Basis: Srotas is based on the principles of Ayurveda, which include concepts of doshas, dhatus, and malas, while contemporary science is based on empirical evidence and scientific methods.

2. Terminology: Srotas uses Sanskrit terminology to describe physiological processes, while contemporary science uses standardized scientific terminology.

3. Historical Context: Srotas has its origins in ancient Indian philosophy and medicine, dating back thousands of years, while contemporary science has developed over the past few centuries through advancements in Western scientific thought and methodology.

4. Approach to Treatment: Ayurvedic medicine often involves holistic approaches to treatment, including herbal remedies, lifestyle modifications, and dietary changes, while contemporary medicine typically relies on pharmaceuticals, surgical interventions, and evidence-based practices.

While both systems aim to understand and support the functioning of living organisms, they do so within different cultural, historical, and philosophical contexts, leading to differences in terminology, approach, and treatment modalities.


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