You are staying with your uncle in a faraway city where you attend school. Write a letter to your parents complaining about the unbearable problems you are facing in your uncle's house and that they come for you

Answer :

Sure, here's a sample letter you could write:


Dear Mom and Dad,

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I am writing to you with a heavy heart, as I am facing some issues here at Uncle's house that I feel I must share with you.

Firstly, the environment here is not as conducive to studying as I had hoped. Uncle's work schedule is erratic, and often there are guests at the house, which makes it difficult for me to concentrate on my studies. The noise and constant interruptions are affecting my academic performance.

Secondly, the food situation is not ideal. As you know, I have always been particular about what I eat, but here, meals are often skipped or delayed, which is affecting my health. I miss your home-cooked meals and the care you took to ensure I ate properly and on time.

Lastly, I am feeling quite homesick. I miss you both terribly and long for the warmth and comfort of our home. I understand that staying here was necessary for my schooling, but the challenges I am facing are making it difficult for me to adjust.

I kindly request you to consider these issues and find a solution. If possible, I would appreciate it if you could come here and we could discuss these matters in person. I am confident that together, we can find a way to make this situation more bearable for me.

Please take care of yourselves. I miss you both and look forward to seeing you soon.

Yours lovingly,

[Your Name]

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