Answer :


The **`%hist`** command is used in **IPython** (an enhanced interactive Python shell) to display the command history. It shows a list of previously executed commands along with their corresponding line numbers. However, it does not directly affect the behavior of plots or saving them.

To keep a plot open while saving it, you can follow these steps using **Matplotlib** (a popular Python plotting library):

1. **Create and Display the Plot**:

- First, create your plot using Matplotlib.

- Use functions like `plt.plot()`, `plt.scatter()`, or any other relevant plotting function.

- After creating the plot, use `` to display it.

2. **Save the Plot**:

- Once the plot is displayed, you can save it to a file (e.g., PNG, PDF, SVG) using `plt.savefig()`.

Here's an example of how to create a plot, display it, and save it:


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np

# Create some sample data

x = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)

y = np.sin(x)

# Create the plot

plt.plot(x, y)

plt.title("Sine Wave")



# Display the plot

# Save the plot to a file (e.g., "sine_wave.png")



In this example:

- We create a sine wave plot using NumPy and Matplotlib.

- We display the plot using ``.

- We save the plot to a file named "sine_wave.png" using `plt.savefig()`.

Remember to adjust the plot settings (such as labels, titles, colors) according to your specific use case.

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