3. By what number 3888 should be divided, so as to get a perfect square also, find the square root of the
number obtained.

Answer :


To determine the number by which 3888 should be divided to obtain a perfect square, we need to factorize 3888 and then ensure the resulting quotient is a perfect square. Let's go through the steps:

### Step 1: Prime Factorization of 3888

First, we find the prime factors of 3888.

\[ 3888 \div 2 = 1944 \]

\[ 1944 \div 2 = 972 \]

\[ 972 \div 2 = 486 \]

\[ 486 \div 2 = 243 \]

\[ 243 \div 3 = 81 \]

\[ 81 \div 3 = 27 \]

\[ 27 \div 3 = 9 \]

\[ 9 \div 3 = 3 \]

\[ 3 \div 3 = 1 \]

So, the prime factorization of 3888 is:

\[ 3888 = 2^5 \times 3^5 \]

### Step 2: Ensure Perfect Square

For a number to be a perfect square, all the exponents in its prime factorization must be even. Here, we have:

\[ 3888 = 2^5 \times 3^5 \]

We need to divide 3888 by a number that makes all the exponents even.

- For \(2^5\), we need to remove one \(2\) (since \(5-1=4\) is even).

- For \(3^5\), we need to remove one \(3\) (since \(5-1=4\) is even).

So, the number we need to divide by is:

\[ 2 \times 3 = 6 \]

### Step 3: Divide 3888 by 6

\[ \frac{3888}{6} = 648 \]

Now, we have:

\[ 648 = 2^4 \times 3^4 \]

### Step 4: Find the Square Root of 648

Since \(648\) is now a perfect square:

\[ \sqrt{648} = \sqrt{2^4 \times 3^4} \]

\[ \sqrt{648} = \sqrt{(2^2)^2 \times (3^2)^2} \]

\[ \sqrt{648} = 2^2 \times 3^2 \]

\[ \sqrt{648} = 4 \times 9 \]

\[ \sqrt{648} = 36 \]

### Conclusion

The number by which 3888 should be divided to get a perfect square is \(6\), and the square root of the resulting number \(648\) is \(36\).

plzz mark as branliest

Step-by-step explanation:

To determine by what number \( 3888 \) should be divided to get a perfect square, and to find the square root of the resulting number, we can follow these steps:

1. **Prime Factorization of 3888**:

Find the prime factorization of 3888.


3888 \div 2 = 1944 \\

1944 \div 2 = 972 \\

972 \div 2 = 486 \\

486 \div 2 = 243 \\

243 \div 3 = 81 \\

81 \div 3 = 27 \\

27 \div 3 = 9 \\

9 \div 3 = 3 \\

3 \div 3 = 1


Therefore, the prime factorization of \( 3888 \) is:


3888 = 2^5 \times 3^5


2. **Form a Perfect Square**:

To form a perfect square, each exponent in the prime factorization should be even. Currently, both exponents (5 for 2 and 5 for 3) are odd.

- To make \( 2^5 \) a perfect square, divide by \( 2 \) (since \( 2^5 \div 2 = 2^4 \)).

- To make \( 3^5 \) a perfect square, divide by \( 3 \) (since \( 3^5 \div 3 = 3^4 \)).

Therefore, \( 3888 \) should be divided by:


2 \times 3 = 6


3. **Resulting Perfect Square**:

Divide \( 3888 \) by \( 6 \) to get the resulting perfect square.


\frac{3888}{6} = 648


Let's confirm the prime factorization of \( 648 \):


648 = \frac{3888}{6} = 2^4 \times 3^4


Indeed, \( 648 \) is a perfect square since both exponents (4) are even.

4. **Find the Square Root**:

Calculate the square root of \( 648 \).


\sqrt{648} = \sqrt{2^4 \times 3^4} = 2^2 \times 3^2 = 4 \times 9 = 36


Thus, \( 3888 \) should be divided by \( 6 \) to obtain a perfect square, and the square root of the resulting number \( 648 \) is \( 36 \).

please mark my answer as brainliest

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