Answer :

Step-by-step explanation:

To determine whether a number is a perfect cube, we need to find if there is an integer \( n \) such that \( n^3 = \text{number} \).

Let's analyze each of the given numbers:

### 1. Checking if 12167 is a perfect cube:

Calculate the cube root of 12167:


\sqrt[3]{12167} = 23


Since \( 23^3 = 23 \times 23 \times 23 = 12167 \), 12167 is a perfect cube.

### 2. Checking if 11109 is a perfect cube:

Calculate the cube root of 11109:


\sqrt[3]{11109} \approx 22.28


Since the cube root is not an integer, 11109 is not a perfect cube.

### 3. Checking if 85184 is a perfect cube:

Calculate the cube root of 85184:


\sqrt[3]{85184} \approx 44.25


Since the cube root is not an integer, 85184 is not a perfect cube.

### Conclusion

Among the numbers given:

- 12167 is a perfect cube.

- 11109 is not a perfect cube.

- 85184 is not a perfect cube.

So, the perfect cube among the given numbers is 12167.

please mark my answer as brainliest

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