
An elephant weighing 3000 kg and the foot area
of cross section is 250 cm^2, standing
Calculate the pressure exerted by the elephant on
the floor.

Answer :


First, we need to convert the weight from kilograms to Newtons, since pressure is calculated using the force (weight) in Newtons and the area in square meters. We know that 1 kg is equivalent to 9.81 N. So, the weight of the elephant in Newtons would be:

3000 kg × 9.81 N/kg = 29,430 N

Next, we need to convert the area from square centimeters to square meters. We know that 1 m² is equivalent to 10,000 cm². So, the area of the elephant's foot in square meters would be:

250 cm² × (1 m²/10,000 cm²) = 0.025 m²

Finally, we can calculate the pressure using the formula:

Pressure = Force / Area

So, the pressure exerted by the elephant would be:

Pressure = 29,430 N / 0.025 m² = 1,177,200 Pascals (Pa)

Therefore, the pressure exerted by the elephant on the floor is approximately 1,177,200 Pascals.

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