Q2. Write a story in your own words using the hints given below. Also, write moral of
the story and give suitable title to it.
A poor farmer
gets a wonderful hen
lays a golden egg daily
farmer becomes rich
wants to be richest
cuts it
finds no gold

Answer :


**The Golden Goose**

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a poor farmer and his wife. They struggled to make ends meet, barely scraping by. One day, the farmer stumbled upon a remarkable discovery: a magical hen that laid a **golden egg** every single day. The farmer was overjoyed! He sold the golden eggs and soon became **wealthy**.

However, as time went by, the farmer's greed grew. He wanted to be the **richest** person in the village. "Why wait for one egg a day?" he thought. "If I could get all the eggs at once, I'd be even richer!" Driven by his insatiable desire, he decided to cut open the hen.

To his shock, there were no golden eggs inside. The hen was just like any other ordinary bird. The farmer had lost both the hen and the golden eggs forever. The **moral** of this story is clear: **too much greed leads to great loss**¹.

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