Write a short story on the theme : we fail only when we fail to try.
class 9 holiday hw
300 to 350 words​

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Answer :


In a small town nestled amidst rolling hills, there lived a boy named Arjun. He was known for his adventurous spirit and boundless curiosity. Yet, despite his enthusiasm, Arjun often hesitated to take on challenges that seemed too daunting.

One bright summer day, Arjun heard about the annual kite flying competition held at the town square. Excitement buzzed through the air as colorful kites soared against the backdrop of a clear blue sky. Arjun watched from the sidelines, admiring the skill of the participants. He longed to join in but doubted his own ability to compete with the experienced kite flyers.

As the day of the competition approached, Arjun's friends encouraged him to give it a try. "You won't know unless you try, Arjun," they said. Despite his initial reluctance, Arjun decided to borrow a kite from his friend and participate.

On the day of the competition, nerves fluttered in Arjun's stomach as he held the kite string in his hand. His heart raced as he watched his kite climb higher and higher into the sky. The wind caught the kite's tail, and it danced gracefully among the clouds.

As Arjun maneuvered his kite, he noticed it was flying steadily alongside others. He felt a surge of pride and joy knowing that he had overcome his fear of failure. Even though he was not as skilled as some of the other participants, Arjun's determination and effort shone through.

The competition drew to a close, and Arjun found himself awarded a special mention for his enthusiasm and perseverance. He hadn't won the top prize, but the experience taught him a valuable lesson: success isn't just about winning; it's about having the courage to try.

From that day forward, Arjun approached challenges with renewed confidence. He understood that failure was not the end but a stepping stone on the path to success. Each attempt, no matter the outcome, brought him closer to achieving his goals.

As the years passed, Arjun became known not only for his adventurous spirit but also for his resilience and determination. He inspired others to embrace challenges and never shy away from trying something new.

In the end, Arjun realized that we fail only when we fail to try. Every attempt, every effort, no matter how small, brings us closer to realizing our dreams and aspirations. And so, with courage in his heart and a kite in hand, Arjun continued to chase his dreams, knowing that each flight was a testament to the power of trying.


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**The Courage to Try**

In a small, picturesque village nestled between rolling hills and lush forests, lived a young girl named Maya. Maya was known for her curious mind and insatiable thirst for knowledge. She loved reading about great inventors and explorers, dreaming of one day making her own mark on the world. However, there was one thing that held her back: Maya was terrified of failure.

One summer, a grand science fair was announced in the village. It was an opportunity for young minds to showcase their inventions and ideas. Maya's heart raced with excitement. She had a fantastic idea for a project—a solar-powered water purifier that could provide clean drinking water for the entire village. But as the days passed, her excitement turned to anxiety. "What if it doesn't work?" she thought. "What if I make a fool of myself?"

Maya's friends and family encouraged her, reminding her of her potential and creativity. But the fear of failure loomed large, and Maya found herself unable to start the project. She spent hours staring at her materials, imagining all the ways things could go wrong.

One evening, Maya's grandmother sat her down. She told her a story about a time when she was young and tried to learn to ride a bicycle. She fell countless times, scraped her knees, and even thought about giving up. But each fall taught her something new, and eventually, she mastered the skill. "The only time we truly fail," her grandmother said gently, "is when we fail to try."

Inspired by her grandmother's words, Maya decided to face her fears. She worked tirelessly on her project, pouring her heart and soul into it. She encountered numerous obstacles, but each setback was a lesson in disguise. She learned from her mistakes and kept moving forward.

The day of the science fair arrived, and Maya stood nervously by her invention. To her astonishment, the purifier worked perfectly, drawing praise and admiration from the judges and villagers alike. She didn't win the grand prize, but she gained something far more valuable: the realization that courage and perseverance are the keys to success.

From that day on, Maya embraced challenges with a newfound confidence. She understood that failure is not the end, but a stepping stone to success. Her story became an inspiration in the village, a testament to the power of trying and the belief that we fail only when we fail to try.

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