Answer :

To simplify the expression using the distributive property, we need to distribute the terms inside the parentheses to the terms outside the parentheses.

Let's break down the expression step by step:


(7 ? 5 × (-3 12 ?) + (7 ? 5 × 5 12 ?)) ( ?5 7 × (12? -3) + ( ?5 7 × 12? 5))


First, let's distribute `7 ? 5` to `(-3 12 ?)`:


7 ? 5 × (-3 12 ?) = (7 ? 5) × (-3) + (7 ? 5) × 12 ?


Similarly, let's distribute `7 ? 5` to `5 12 ?`:


(7 ? 5 × 5 12 ?) = (7 ? 5) × 5 + (7 ? 5) × 12 ?


Now, let's substitute these values back into the original expression:


((7 ? 5) × (-3) + (7 ? 5) × 12 ?) ( ?5 7 × (12? -3) + ( ?5 7 × 12? 5))


We can simplify further by substituting the values of `7 ? 5` and `?5 7` with unknown variables:


(a × (-3) + a × 12 ?) ( b × (12? -3) + b × 12? 5)


Now, we can combine like terms inside the parentheses:


(a × (-3) + a × 12 ?) = a × (-3 + 12 ?) = a × (12 ? - 3)

(b × (12? -3) + b × 12? 5) = b × (12? + 12 ? 5) = b × (12 ? 5)


Simplifying the expression further, we have:


(a × (12 ? - 3)) (b × (12 ? 5))


This is the simplified expression using the distributive property. The unknown variables `a` and `b` represent the terms `7 ? 5` and `?5 7`, respectively.

Please note that the specific values of `?` and `?` were not provided, so the expression is left in terms of unknown variables.

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