Letter Writing ( in about 100 - 120 words ) : to your cousin asking how was his/her recent trip with the family? You would love to hear all about the places he/she visited and the adventures he/she had?

Answer :


Dear [Cousin's Name],

Hope this letter finds you well! I heard you recently went on a trip with your family and I'm beyond excited to hear all about it! How was your trip? Did you visit any exciting places or try new adventures? I'm eager to hear every detail!

What were some of the highlights of your trip? Did you try any new foods or drinks? Meet any interesting people? I want to hear all about your experiences and see some photos too!

Your travel stories always inspire me, and I can't wait to hear this one. Write back soon and share your adventures with me!


[Your Name]



Dear [Cousin's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I've been eagerly waiting to hear all about your recent trip with the family! How was the adventure? I'm sure you must have visited some amazing places and had some thrilling experiences. From what I hear, [mention any specific place or activity if known] sounded particularly exciting.

Please share all the details whenever you get the chance. I'd love to hear about the sights you saw, the food you tried, and any memorable moments you had. I'm sure it was a fantastic journey filled with stories to tell. Looking forward to catching up soon!

Warm regards,

[Your Name]


I hope this answer is helpful.

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