In a class test (+5) marks are given for every correct answer and (-3) marks are given for every incorrect answer.If Rakesh scores 23 marks by attempting 19 questions.How many questions has he attempted correctly and how many has he attempted incorrectly?

Answer :

let no. of correct answers be x. no. of incorrect would be equal to 19-x. total score =23
5x- 3( 19- x)=23
and y=19-10=9


The final answer is

1)The number of correct answers = 10

2)The number of incorrect answers = 9

Step-by-step explanation:

We need to find the number of questions which were attempted correctly and incorrectly by Rakesh if he attempted a total of 19 questions and earned 23 marks if +5 marks are given for every correct answer and -3 marks are given for every incorrect answer.

Let x , y be the total number of correct and incorrect answers respectively Rakesh has answered then,

x + y = 19

x = 19 - y

5x - 3y = 23

5(19 - y) - 3y =23

95 - 5y -3y = 23

-8y = 23 - 95

-8y = -72

y = 9

x = 19 - 9 = 10

The number of correct answers = 10

The number of incorrect answers = 9

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