Answer :

first i will check out all the conditions and see outside with the help of outlets and then if i got identity of him or her i will open the door.


If I am home alone, an unsettling feeling comes by my way when a stranger knocks the door. To handle those situations, I will take a peek through our door’s peephole or if I have any security cameras installed at my home, I will take a look into that to find out who’s at the door instead of opening it immediately. If my home had intercom, I will speak with him and ask for his details without opening the door. Sometimes an intruder will identify themselves as a salesperson or professionals to attempt a break-in. Be aware of such situations.

If you find that the person behind the door is unfamiliar to you. Follow these steps.

1. Ask for their details and never reveal your personal details to them.

2. Never ignore them as they seem it as an advantage to intrude your home. Simply address them without opening the door.

3. Train your family including kids to handle these kind of situations.

4. Call out an imaginary friend while speaking to the person to make them feel that you are not alone in your home.

5. Always respond whatever he ask for without opening the door.

6. If someone says that he is in trouble, help him by calling out the police  

7. Don’t let anyone with a bad intention to gain access to your lovely home.  

Remember : Never open the door if you feel you are unsafe.